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Вы здесь » Форум клана 1nvaders. » Игровые новости » Patch 2.7

Patch 2.7

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Patch 2.7

Bug Fixes
• Fixed a bug causing Sentinel wins not to count towards achievements progress.
• Fixed a bug causing Sentinel achievements not to count towards Tank Achievement progress.
• Fixed a bug causing certain abilities inflicted on a stealthed bloodlines to "shake" the screen.

• Added basic training for Igniter, Spear Master and Glutton.

• Bloodline "Minor achievements" win requirement increased to 5 from 1.
• A new section for the Training Achievements has been added.
• Added achievements related to the Igniter, Spear Master and Glutton challenges.

• Estimated Grade has been removed.
• 3v3 Teams will now recieve rewards every 50th win in a season.
• Blood Coin gain in Team 3v3 increased from 125% to 150%.
• Parties with more than 2 players will now be unable to queue for Solo Matchmaking.
• Rating required for grades in Solo Matchmaking and 2v2 Team Matchmaking has been increased by 5%.

• Players will now get progression rewards as they reach certain levels. (Current players will recieve these as they login)
• Bundles will now be shown when multiple items are unlocked at the same time.
• Daily Blood Coin Bonus Pool increased from 400 to 600.
• The winning avatars in the Community Avatar Contest has been added. (Winners can be found here)


Ranid Assassin
Blade Flurry (M1)
• Energy gain increased to 6% from 5%.

Earth Crush (F)
• Fixed a bug causing Ravener to become immune to pulls directly after casting this spell.

Blade Strike (M1)
• Health gained when struck on a target inflicted by Drunken Haze increased to 140 from 120.

Dragoon Strike (Spacebar)
• Health gained when struck on a target inflicted by Drunken Haze increased to 140 from 120.

Roundhouse Kick (E)
• Incapacitate duration decreased to 1.6 from 1.8.

Quick Strike(M1)
• Damage on third consecutive hit down to 160 from 170.

Barrier (Space)
• Maximum absorb decreased to 440 from 460.

Spectro Strike (M1)
Sun Shadow
• Movement Speed decrease percentage reduced to 25% from 33%.

Sun Light (M2)
• Healing increased to 160 from 150.
Sun Dust
• Recieved healing increase percentage reduced to 6% from 7%.

Aurora (EX1)
• Healing increased to 220 from 200.

Solar Charge (R)
• Now has a cast time of 0.2s.
• Healing increased to 110 from 90.
• Damage increased to 110 from 90.
Solar Haste
• Movement speed increased to 25% from 15%.

Nature's Wonder (Q)
• Now correctly displays as a Target Ground ability.
• Should now display correct damage dealt.
• Amplify no longer triggers when cast on a parried target.
• Fixed a bug making Healing Ward unkillable when inside the Nature's Wonder.

Suggestive Tune (E)
• Fixed a bug causing this ability to be non-negatable when reflected.

Healing Ward (Q)
• Damage reduction reduced to 15% from 20%.

Claw Fury (R)
• Slow percentage decreased to 20% from 25%.
• Melee attack speed increase reduced to 50% from 60% .

Mind Transfer (Spacebar)
• No longer gets dispelled by tranced teammates.

Boomstick (M1)
• Range increased to 82 from 64.

Blitz (Spacebar)
• Now has a instant cast time.

Illusion (R)
• Now has a cast time of 0.2s.
• Invisibility duration increased to 1.5s from 1.3s.

Stoneshield (R)
• Maximum absorb decreased to 360 from 400.
• Damage dealt on direct attacks reduced to 80 from 90.

Metal Warden
Magnetic Orb (Spacebar)
• Fixed a bug causing abilities to be falsely show as on cooldown when casted.

Treacherous Roots (R)
• Maximum absorb decreased to 320 from 340.
• Healing percentage lowered to 40% from 50%.

Stone Grapple (M2)
• Slow reduced to 25% from 33%.

Fissure (E)
• Weaken reduced to 30% from 40%.

Healing Surge (EX 2)
• Healing range changed to 180 - 320 from 180 - 380.

Stone Grapple (M2)
• Slow reduced to 25% from 33%.

• Energy Gain from 1 expertise point decreased to 0.03% from 0.04.

Meteor Shard
• Energy Cost increased to 45 from 40.

Webi's Void Stone
• Energy Cost increased to 35 from 30.

Talisman of Teleportation
• Energy Cost decreased to 70 from 80.



уже ввели, удали в конце хрень свою



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уже ввели, удали в конце хрень свою

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